Essential Benefits Of "Cycling" Exercise

Often we want to exercise . Many people have sports that they like. Fortunately, it may start to gather for a while, but in the long run, the group just becomes close. Attached to some missions Busy work Until the end, physical activity must be stopped. Let's take a look at another option that is becoming popular with cyclists who have enough time. Jumped onto his favorite bike Can start riding without a friend. Today, let's see if the cycling that is currently in trend There are good things that many People say or not And what are the advantages of this?

The issue of burning excess fat in the body. Cycling will increase the rate of burning excess fat in the body as well. Importantly, people who ride bicycles regularly will have a condition called "After Burner", which is the continuous burning of excess fat after 2-3 hours of cycling which may be during the fat burning phase at More than the energy metabolism during spinning as well. Visit our site for effective information about Bikes Gearlab now.

Cycling will stimulate the flow of food in the intestines faster. Will result in less absorption of water in the large intestine. The lump will be wet, not hard, dry, allowing us to transfer more fluently. Can reduce constipation In addition, cycling will increase the strength of the intestinal peristalsis. Make the digestive system work conveniently, relieve tightness, uncomfortable after meals And reduce the risk of colon cancer as well

Cycling will stimulate the production of brain cells in a section called Hippocampus, a brain region used in memory. Which will begin to deteriorate rapidly in people aged 30 and older. Stimulation of the production of brain cells in that area to replace it can help to prevent Alzheimer's disease as well.

Because cycling will stimulate the work of the circulatory system. Including the respiratory system Therefore has benefits in helping to reduce pressure , obesity as well as reducing the risk of various types of cancer . In addition, the result of regular cycling Which causes the good work of the circulatory system, the respiratory system and the reduction of excess fat also helps reduce the risk of heart disease by more than 50%

Cycling in the fresh air Will help the body get more oxygen And makes the oxygen transport Along with nutrients to feed different parts Including the excretion of toxins from the body to do better And also helps stimulate the production of collagen in the body Helps to look bright Younger as well

In the treatment of illness Moderate speed cycling For about 30 minutes on a regular basis can lead to migraine headaches down to as much as 90% of the subjects in the research in Sweden. Because the body releases endorphins, which have a sufficient amount of pain relief in the body.

Cycling also helps to sleep more deeply, helps with mental health , makes the mind cheerful, reduces stress, strengthens concentration. Increase sexual performance And also helping to conserve the environment by reducing the use of energy from coal But personally Started looking for bicycles since seeing the first advantage Can burn so well No need to look for other types of exercise.

Important for women. Do not adjust the bike saddle to be too short. Use the right height Is when spinning the leg down so that the feet can be stretched almost to the end without the knees being bent And try not to use gears that are too heavy Because that will be the cause of the calf enlarging without knowing it Adjust the saddle properly, use the speed and gear that is not too heavy Blend regularly Guaranteed to have beautiful slender calves as a bonus as well.